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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Wo'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
151 Boy Amin-ameen Faithful, trustworthy
152 Boy Amin;ameen Divine grace, faithful, trustworthy
153 Girl Amineh Faithful, trustworthy
154 Boy Amini Reliable, trustworthy, rigid, unalterable, blood b
155 Girl Amman Faithful, trustworthy
156 Girl Amukthamalyadha A word in molla ramayanam
157 Boy Ananay Worship
158 Girl Anandhi Always happy woman
159 Girl Anandi A woman who always remains happy, joyful
160 Girl Anantashree Woman who has abundant money
161 Boy Anbumoli Who speaks kind words
162 Girl Anbumoli Lovable language, lovable words, who speaks kindly
163 Girl Anbumozhi Lovable language, lovable words
164 Boy Anchit Worshipped
165 Girl Anchita Honoured, worshipped
166 Girl Andrea Manly, a man's woman, beautiful and dared, st andr
167 Girl Angana An suspicious or handsome woman
168 Girl Anganaa Beautiful woman
169 Boy Anikait Lord of the world
170 Boy Anikait Lord of the world
171 Boy Aniket Lord of the world
172 Boy Anjal Hollow formed by joining two hands
173 Boy Anjuli Worshipped
174 Boy Anokh Extraordinary and wondrous, unique, wondrous
175 Boy Anokh Extraordinary and wondrous
176 Boy Anokh Extraordinary and wondrous
177 Boy Anokhjeet Wondrous victory
178 Boy Anokhjot Wondrous light
179 Boy Anokhpreet Wondrous love
180 Boy Anshrikraj King of world
181 Boy Anshrikraj King of world
182 Girl Ansuya Learned woman, sage atri's wife
183 Boy Anthony Praiseworthy, priceless, inestimable, flower, flou
184 Boy Antony Priceless, highly praiseworthy, from a roman clan
185 Boy Anubhaj One who follows worship, spiritual
186 Boy Anucakra Who works according to schedule, organized, planne
187 Boy Anuroop Worthy
188 Girl Anuroop Worthy of, befitting, lovely
189 Boy Anushtaan Conduct, regular performance of worship
190 Girl Apala Name of a learned woman of the past
191 Girl Aparaajita Unconquerable woman
192 Boy Aparesh God shiva blessed, god shiva's invincible worship
193 Girl Aqilah Intelligent woman
194 Girl Aqilah Intelligent woman
195 Girl Aqilahapurva Intelligent woman
196 Boy Araadh Worship
197 Boy Araadhak Worshipper
198 Girl Araadhya Worship
199 Boy Aradhak Worshipper
200 Girl Aradhaka Worshipper,
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