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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'World'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
351 Boy Lokbhushan Ornament of the world
352 Boy Lokbhushan Ornament of the world
353 Boy Lokendra King of world, lord shiva
354 Boy Lokesh God, king of world, lord shiva, lord brahma
355 Boy Lokin One who possesses the world
356 Boy Loknaath Lord of the world
357 Boy Loknath Lord of all worlds, lord vishnu
358 Boy Loknath Lord of the world
359 Boy Lokprakash Light of the world
360 Boy Lokprakash Light of the world
361 Boy Lokprasad Light of the world
362 Girl Lokshita Pray for world
363 Boy Lokya Lord of all worlds
364 Boy Lomaharshana Light of the world
365 Girl Loshini Shine above the whole world
366 Boy Loukya Worldly wise, goddess laxmi
367 Girl Loukya Wise, goddess lakshmi, worldly wise
368 Girl Mahanya One who save the world
369 Girl Mahee The great world, heaven and earth conjoined, name
370 Girl Mahee The world, the other name of earth
371 Girl Mahi The world
372 Boy Mahi The world
373 Girl Mahi The world
374 Boy Mahi The world, god of victory
375 Girl Mahi The world, great earth, heaven and earth conjoined
376 Girl Mahie The world
377 Boy Mahijit Conqueror of the world
378 Boy Mahiraj One who rules the world
379 Boy Mahiraj Ruler of the world
380 Girl Mahisha The world, similar to mahi
381 Boy Mariraj A world king
382 Girl Maya Money or the material world
383 Girl Mayoogha May world
384 Girl Nairuthi Rises of world
385 Girl Namrit Precious to the world
386 Boy Nanjundeswar Lord shiva who swallowed poison to save the world
387 Boy Nanjundewsar Lord shiva who swallowed poison to save the world
388 Boy Naveen New, role model of world, ever fresh
389 Boy Navyug New world
390 Boy Navyug New world
391 Boy Nirban Emancipated from the world
392 Boy Nirban Emancipated from the world
393 Boy Nirban Emancipated from the world
394 Boy Nirban Simple, emancipated from the world
395 Boy Nivrutt Separation from world
396 Girl Nivrutti Separation from world
397 Boy Nivrutti Separation from world
398 Boy Nivrutti Separation from world
399 Boy Nivrutti Separation from world
400 Girl Noorjehan Light of the world
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