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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Youthful'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
51 Girl Juliana Downy bearded, youthful, name of a poem, jove's ch
52 Girl Julie Youthful, downy-bearded, jove's child, downy, viva
53 Girl Julie A form of julia, meaning youthful
54 Boy Kana Name of a demi god, plant, youthful, beautiful
55 Girl Kanina Youthful, the little finger
56 Boy Kishora Youthful
57 Girl Krushnakumaari Youthful
58 Boy Kumara Youthful
59 Boy Kumarabrahmacharin Youthful bachelor
60 Boy Kumarabrahmacharine Youthful bachelor
61 Boy Kumaran Lord muraga, son of sivan, youthful, another name
62 Boy Kumarappan Youthful, another name for god murugan
63 Boy Kumarappan Youthful, another name for god murugan
64 Boy Kumarasami Youthful, another name for god murugan
65 Boy Kumaravel Lord murugan, youthful, another name for god murug
66 Boy Kumaravel Youthful, another name for god murugan, see kumara
67 Girl Kumaree Youthful
68 Boy Murugan God murugan, youthful, handsome, tamil god
69 Girl Navani New, youthful woman
70 Girl Navani Youthful woman, modern
71 Girl Navina Youthful
72 Boy Navina Youthful
73 Boy Navind Youthful
74 Boy Pachai Youthful, resourceful
75 Boy Pachai Youthful, resourceful
76 Boy Pachai Youthful, color name
77 Boy Pachaimani Youthful, resourceful
78 Boy Pachaimani Youthful, resourceful
79 Boy Pachaimuthu Youthful, resourceful
80 Boy Pachaimuthu Youthful, resourceful
81 Boy Seanthan Youthful with divine qualities
82 Girl Selvi Happy prosperous daughter, youthful
83 Boy Talun Young, youthful
84 Boy Tarunak Youthful
85 Boy Tarunjeet Victory of the youthfulness
86 Boy Tarunjeet Victory of the youthfulness
87 Boy Tarunpal Protector of youthfulness
88 Boy Tarunpal Protector of youthfulness
89 Boy Tarunpreet Love for youthfulness
90 Boy Tarunpreet Love for youthfulness
91 Boy Tarunya Youthful, young
92 Girl Yuvleen Absorbed in youthfulness
93 Girl Yuvleen Absorbed in youthfulness
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