Numerology of Paroo Name

What is the Numerology of Paroo name?
Subtotal(6+5) =11
Subtotal(1+1) =2
Your lucky number is2
General Traits: Number 2 people happen to be great friends. Generally, Paroo doesn't like to stay alone. Paroo can be very independent or extremely dependent on others. The number 2 makes Paroo very emotional, and sensitive. Paroo is very particular about partner in life.
Strong points: Paroo cooperates with everyone and is very helpful in nature. Paroo is quite patient and polite in behavior. Paroo's graceful behavior and be-charming looks wins many admirers.
Weak points: Paroo can be very shy that hampers the self-expression skills. Taking a decision is way too hard a task for Paroo. Paroo can easily get frustrated and bored doing similar kind of work.
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