Pregnancy comes with loads of different symptoms. You would have heard lots of stories from other moms and those who have gone through this. Especially about the food cravings and hunger pangs. It is very natural for a pregnant woman to experience hunger pangs, some may have extreme food cravings and some may have very few. It all depends on that particular individual. Here is everything you need to know about hunger pangs:
What exactly are Hunger Pangs?
Hunger pangs often start at about Week 17. This is because your baby is growing and is now demanding more nourishment. That feeling of intense hunger is what hunger pangs are. You will feel like the inner lining of the stomach is irritating you and you will end up craving food. During pregnancy, the stomach empties after digestion. On an empty stomach, the walls will start rubbing against each other and will cause the stomach line to experience intense irritation. This rubbing of stomach walls leads to a painful sensation which is a hunger pang.The only way to get over hunger pangs is to eat food on time.
What causes Hunger Pangs during Pregnancy?
Here are a few reasons that results into hunger pangs:
Drinking of fluids is a necessity during pregnancy. However, excess of water intake can stretch your stomach lining. This can lead to intense hunger pangs. So be careful not to drink excess of fluids.
Post second trimester, your baby will be growing rapidly. And for its proper development sufficient food is needed. Hence, if you don’t consume the proper amount of food, you may suffer from hunger pangs.
Not chewing food properly
It is essential to chew food properly. Chewing would eliminate the issue of indigestion which during pregnancy can prove to be harmful.
Pregnant women should avoid consuming spicy food. Spicy food normally would irritate your stomach lining and can lead to intense physical pain.
How to deal with Hunger Pangs?
Here are a few ways which can help you deal with hunger pangs:
It is advisable to consume small portions of food at regular intervals. Hence always carry few packets of healthy food with you so that you can prevent yourself from going hungry.
During your pregnancy, you will feel like eating at regular intervals. And it should be done that way. Keeping yourself hungry for a long time can again make your stomach line feel irritated and you will suffer from intense hunger pangs. Hence be careful to eat every hour or two.
What you eat is very crucial during pregnancy. Majority of nutrition from your food will go to the baby and hence keep a tab on your intake. Have foods that are easy to digest, don’t have your meals too late and for midnight cravings choose those foods that are fiber rich and easy to digest.
Drink lots of fluids during your overall pregnancy. Dehydration can cause plenty of health issues which may lead to complications.