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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'One'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
551 Boy Athelstan Noble stone
552 Boy Athervan One of the four vedas
553 Boy Atin The great one
554 Boy Atin The great one, strong, a common
555 Boy Atmabhu Creates oneself, self made, lord vishnu and shiva
556 Boy Aurasa Produced by oneself
557 Boy Avalok One who beholds
558 Girl Avanija One born out of the earth, sita, wife of lord rama
559 Girl Avar No other (none other)
560 Boy Aveer Brave, one who fights for peace
561 Boy Avi The sun and air, honest, my father is exalted
562 Boy Avijita One who cannot be conquered
563 Boy Aviraj King of king, advancement of king, one who not sit
564 Girl Avlokita The enlightened one
565 Girl Avlokita The enlightened one
566 Boy Avmanjeevan One who lives a peaceful life
567 Boy Avmanjeevan One who lives a peaceful life
568 Boy Avyaan Someone with no imperfections
569 Boy Avyagra Cool, peaceful, one who not getting angry
570 Girl Avyakta One who life is like gods life
571 Girl Avyakta/avyaktha One whos life is like gods life
572 Girl Avyaktha One who life is like gods life
573 Boy Avyan Someone with no imperfections
574 Boy Avyukt One with a clear mind, krishna
575 Boy Avyukt-avyukta One with a clear mind, krishna
576 Boy Awwal Slave of the first one
577 Girl Ayaana One who is fortunate
578 Girl Ayasha Little one
579 Girl Ayithi One of the name of goddess lalitha
580 Girl Aykai One
581 Girl Aykai One
582 Boy Ayman One who is on the right
583 Girl Ayushmati One who has a long life
584 Girl Ayushmati One who has a long life
585 Girl Azam The powerful one
586 Boy Azaz Stron one
587 Boy Azeem-azim Defender, referring to one of god's ninety-nine qu
588 Boy Azeez;aziz Friend, dear one
589 Boy Azhagar The handsome one
590 Boy Azim Defender, big, great, one of the ninety-nine names
591 Boy Aziz Powerful, friend, dear one, precious, to be cheris
592 Boy Azmon 'bone of a bone, our strength'
593 Boy Badgelgar Reducing air to ashes, one of the 101 names of ahu
594 Boy Bahadar One who is brave and corageous
595 Boy Bahadur One who is brave and courageous
596 Girl Bahraman Ruby, a light pink to blood red gemstone
597 Girl Bahugandha One with lot of scent, bud of champa flower
598 Girl Bahuli One who has many facets
599 Boy Bakhseesh The blessed one
600 Boy Bakhseesh The blessed one
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