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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'One'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
701 Boy Bruno Dark complexioned
702 Boy Bruno Dark complexioned
703 Girl Budarika One of the sources of the river ganga
704 Girl Buddhana Aware, enlightened one
705 Boy Buddhanandi One who enjoys knowledge
706 Boy Buddhapriya One liked by buddha
707 Boy Caiphas He that seeks with diligence, one that vomiteth
708 Boy Cal Little bald one
709 Boy Callahan Little bright-headed one
710 Boy Calvin Little bald one
711 Girl Calypso One who conceals, pink orchid
712 Boy Candaka The shining one, pleasing, the moon
713 Boy Carey Dark one
714 Girl Carin Dear little one
715 Girl Carina Beloved, keel of a ship, pure, dear little one, da
716 Boy Cary Dark one
717 Boy Caspar The treasurer, the name of one of the three wise m
718 Girl Cassandan Name of one kurosh the great's wife
719 Boy Castiel He is one of six angels
720 Boy Caturasva One who owns four horses
721 Girl Chainika Specially selected, chosen one
722 Boy Chanakya The wise one, bright, great scholar, son of chanak
723 Boy Chanderjit One who has conquered the moon
724 Boy Chanderjit One who has conquered the moon
725 Boy Chandradhar One who wears moon, lord shiva
726 Boy Chandrakant Beloved of the moon, moonstone
727 Girl Chandrakanta Beloved of the moon, moonstone
728 Boy Chandrakishore Moonstone
729 Girl Chandramani Moonstone, jewel
730 Boy Chandraprakash-chandraprakaash One who has moon as a crest, light of the moon, re
731 Boy Chandraprakash;chandraprakaash One who has moon as a crest, light of the moon, re
732 Boy Chandraprakash;chandraprakaash One who has moon as a crest, light of the moon, re
733 Boy Charanjeet Winning the service of guru's lotus feet, one who
734 Boy Charanjeet One who has won over the lord (charanjeet)
735 Boy Charanjeet One who has won over the lord (charanjeet)
736 Boy Charanjeet Winning the service of guru's lotus feet, one who
737 Boy Charanjit One who has won over the god
738 Boy Charanjit One who has won over the lord
739 Boy Charanpreet One who loves the lord's lotus feet
740 Boy Charanpreet One who loves the lord's lotus feet
741 Girl Charanpreet One who loves the lord's lotus feet
742 Girl Charanpreet One who loves the lord's lotus feet
743 Girl Charanpreet One who loves the lord's lotus feet
744 Girl Charanpreet One who loves the lord's lotus feet
745 Boy Charanvir One who is fast on feet and brave
746 Boy Charbak One who speaks well
747 Girl Charitha Good, one having a very clean character
748 Boy Charnjit Respect-full, blessed from everyone
749 Boy Charnjit Respect-full, blessed from everyone
750 Girl Charukeshi One with beautiful hair
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