All Names Starting with Vovel ''

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
6901 Boy Atul;atulya Matchless
6902 Boy Atula Without an equal
6903 Girl Atula Uncomparable
6904 Boy Atulbir Matchless brave
6905 Boy Atulit Incomparable
6906 Boy Atulith Lord hanuman
6907 Boy Atulprasad Boundless blessings
6908 Boy Atulpreet Matchless love
6909 Boy Atultejas Immeasurable brightness
6910 Boy Atulvir Matchless brave
6911 Boy Atulya Unequalled
6912 Girl Atulya Most important, matchless
6913 Boy Atur Crowned
6914 Boy Atvar Lord ganesh
6915 Boy Atvi Energy
6916 Boy Atvik
6917 Boy Atwater From the waterside
6918 Boy Atwood Forest dweller
6919 Boy Atyaananda Intense joy
6920 Boy Atyarati Exceeding envious
6921 Boy Aubrey Ruler of the elves
6922 Girl Aubriana A combination of aubrey & anna
6923 Boy Aubrie Elf power
6924 Boy Aubyn From alba
6925 Boy Auchitya Add meaning
6926 Girl Audarya Divine beauty
6927 Boy Audley Ealdgyths woodland clearing
6928 Girl Audrey Noble strength
6929 Girl Audreyanne A combination of audrey & ann
6930 Girl Audrina Dim. audrey
6931 Boy Audvik Light of lord shiva which never diminishes
6932 Boy August August
6933 Girl Augusta Feminine of augustus
6934 Boy Augustine Venerable
6935 Boy Augustus Increased, augmented
6936 Girl Auhna Passion
6937 Boy Aujas Gold
6938 Boy Aujasva
6939 Boy Aulay Forefathers heir/descendant
6940 Boy Aum Sound of hindu origin om
6941 Girl Aumnshi From lord shiva's mantra aum namah shivay
6942 Girl Aupinder Very idealistic nature
6943 Girl Aura Soft breeze
6944 Boy Aurasa Produced by oneself
6945 Boy Aurav Roman god of dawn
6946 Girl Aurav Roman goddess of dawn
6947 Boy Aureev
6948 Boy Aurel Golden haired
6949 Girl Aurel Golden angel
6950 Girl Aurelia Latin golden
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