All Names Starting with Vovel ''

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
7051 Boy Avashesh Remainder
7052 Boy Avasyu Lord indra
7053 Boy Avatar Incarnation
7054 Boy Avatara Incarnation of god, the descent
7055 Girl Avatarini Incarnation of god, the descent
7056 Girl Avathara Goddess in human reflection
7057 Girl Avaya To arrive or to inform
7058 Boy Avayay To arrive or to inform
7059 Girl Avdhi Time
7060 Boy Avdhut God dutta
7061 Girl Avedna Painless
7062 Boy Aveekshith Add meaning
7063 Boy Aveen Beauty
7064 Boy Aveer Brave, one who fights for peace
7065 Boy Aven Iniquity, force, riches, sorrow
7066 Girl Aven Iniquity, force, riches, sorrow
7067 Girl Aveni The earth or good earth and it comes from avani
7068 Girl Aventika Lotus
7069 Boy Averill Boar battle
7070 Boy Avery Elf counsel
7071 Girl Aveyah God is my father
7072 Girl Avha Oxygen, breathe of life
7073 Boy Avi The sun and air, honest, my father is exalted
7074 Girl Avi Sun
7075 Girl Aviana Way of grace
7076 Boy Aviansh Indestructible
7077 Boy Avicala Immovable, steady
7078 Girl Avicala Steady,
7079 Boy Avichal Unmovable
7080 Boy Avidaan My father is judg
7081 Boy Avidan God is just
7082 Boy Avidosa Faultless
7083 Boy Avighn No obstacles
7084 Boy Avighna Remover of obstacles, lord ganesha
7085 Girl Avighna No obstacles
7086 Girl Avighnaa No obstacles
7087 Girl Avigna Without obstacles
7088 Boy Avigyan
7089 Boy Aviiyan
7090 Boy Avij Father
7091 Boy Avijit Invincible
7092 Boy Avijita One who cannot be conquered
7093 Boy Avijna Ignorant
7094 Boy Avijot Light of father
7095 Boy Avik Strength of diamond
7096 Boy Avika Lives in a group, as hard as earth, strong
7097 Girl Avika Earth
7098 Boy Avikalp Which has no options
7099 Boy Avikam Diamond
7100 Boy Avikari The unchanging
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