All Names Starting with Vovel 'A'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
2101 Boy Afeef Chaste, modest, pure, pious
2102 Girl Afeerah Covered with soil or dust
2103 Boy Affan Chaste, modest, virtuous, pure
2104 Boy Affton Sweet afton
2105 Girl Afifa Honest, upright, virtuous, pure
2106 Girl Afifah Chaste, pure, another name for hazrat fatimah zahr
2107 Girl Afra White
2108 Girl Afra White
2109 Girl Afra;afraa White
2110 Boy Afraa Happiness
2111 Girl Afraa White
2112 Girl Afrah Happiness, cheerfulness, teaching, doctrine
2113 Boy Afraz Standing tall like a mountain
2114 Girl Afreen Trustworthy
2115 Girl Afrin Happiness, praise, lucky
2116 Girl Afrose Illuminating. enlightening
2117 Girl Afroza Quintessence of fire
2118 Girl Afseen Shine like a star
2119 Girl Afshaan To sprinkle
2120 Girl Afshan To sprinkle
2121 Girl Afsheen Shine like a star
2122 Boy Aftaab The sun
2123 Boy Aftab Sun, sunlight
2124 Girl Aftab The sun
2125 Boy Aftab-aftaab The sun
2126 Boy Aftab-aftaab The sun
2127 Girl Aftab;aaftab The sun
2128 Boy Aftab;aftaab The sun
2129 Boy Afton Sweet afton
2130 Boy Afzal Most excellent
2131 Boy Aga Sword
2132 Boy Agadh Unfathomable
2133 Boy Agadhbodh Having unfathomable knowledge
2134 Boy Agadhi Deep, indescribable
2135 Boy Agadhroop Of unfathomable form
2136 Boy Agag Roof, upper floor.
2137 Girl Agaja Mountainous
2138 Girl Agalia Joy
2139 Girl Agalvili Broad eye, wide eye
2140 Girl Agalya Lovable, light, accommodations, adaptation, fine-t
2141 Boy Agam Extending far, profound, unimaginable, intelligent
2142 Girl Agam Intelligent
2143 Boy Agama Proof of the trustworthiness of a source of knowle
2144 Boy Agamadhi Intelligent
2145 Girl Agamadhi Gem
2146 Boy Agamani Gem, gemstone
2147 Girl Agamani Asong of welcome
2148 Boy Agambir Brave as god
2149 Girl Agamdeep Beyond limits
2150 Boy Agamik Add meaning
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