All Names Starting with Vovel 'A'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
2351 Girl Agrita Early
2352 Boy Agriya First best
2353 Girl Agriya First and best
2354 Boy Agur 'stranger, gathered together'
2355 Boy Agya A fool who has no knowledge in standard scriptures
2356 Girl Agya Permission
2357 Boy Agyapreet One who loves to obey
2358 Boy Agyey Unknown
2359 Boy Agyeya Beyond comprehension, beyond knowledge
2360 Boy Aha Ascertainment, affirmation
2361 Girl Aha Ascertainment,
2362 Boy Ahaan Morning glory , first ray of light
2363 Girl Ahaana Morning glory , first ray of light
2364 Boy Ahab Father’s brother, bible ref.:  1 kings 16:29., son
2365 Boy Ahad The one
2366 Girl Ahadia
2367 Boy Ahalad Enjoy
2368 Boy Ahaladit Joyous person
2369 Girl Ahalya Wife of rishi gautam, women rescued by lord rama
2370 Boy Aham Highly praised
2371 Boy Ahamed Highly praised
2372 Boy Ahamyati Egoless
2373 Boy Ahan One who is as bright as daylight
2374 Girl Ahan One who is of the nature of time itself
2375 Girl Ahana Air
2376 Girl Ahanika
2377 Boy Ahankara Tendency to identify oneself with external phenome
2378 Boy Ahanmani Jewel of the day, the sun
2379 Girl Ahanna First ray of the sun
2380 Boy Ahannatha Lord of the day, the sun
2381 Boy Ahanpati Lord of the day, lord shivaand the sun
2382 Boy Ahanti Indestructible
2383 Girl Ahanti Gift
2384 Boy Ahanyan He laughs
2385 Boy Ahar Defender
2386 Girl Ahar Activity
2387 Boy Ahara Tormentor, a manu
2388 Boy Aharah A smiling brother, a meadow of a sweet savor
2389 Boy Aharhel Another host, the last sorrow, a brother's sheep
2390 Boy Aharmani Jewel of the day, sun
2391 Boy Aharnish Day and night
2392 Boy Aharpati Lord of the day, another name for sun and shiva
2393 Girl Aharpati Heron
2394 Boy Aharpreet One who loves activity
2395 Boy Aharsh A great saint
2396 Boy Aharshi Sun
2397 Boy Aharsi Mirror
2398 Boy Ahasbai Trusting in me, a grown-up brother
2399 Boy Ahaskara Producing the day
2400 Boy Ahasuerus Prince, head, chief
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