All Names Starting with Vovel 'A'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
2551 Girl Aijaz Favour
2552 Boy Aikalavya Descendant of eka-lunga
2553 Boy Aiken The oaken
2554 Girl Aiken One who never born
2555 Girl Aiksavaki Produced from sugar cane
2556 Girl Aikya Unity, one alone
2557 Boy Aikyan Unity, one alone
2558 Boy Aila Born of intellect, another name for pururavas
2559 Boy Ailbert Bright nobility
2560 Girl Aileen From the green meadow
2561 Boy Ailesh Ruler of the world
2562 Girl Aili Truthful
2563 Girl Ailish Consecrated to god
2564 Girl Ailishiya
2565 Boy Ailiyah A great one and it come signify god
2566 Girl Ailiyah A great one and it come signify god
2567 Girl Ailsa Consecrated to god
2568 Boy Ailward Noble guard
2569 Boy Aiman Fearless, right hand side
2570 Girl Aimee Beloved
2571 Boy Aimen Fortunate
2572 Boy Aimerey Home-ruler
2573 Girl Aimiah Perfect
2574 Girl Aimie Beloved
2575 Boy Aimmukan Add meaning
2576 Girl Aina Lightning, beautiful eyed woman, the only one, pur
2577 Girl Ainaisha Joy
2578 Boy Aindhadi Add meaning
2579 Girl Aindri Lighting of eyes, the powerful, belongs to the pow
2580 Boy Aindrila Female star
2581 Girl Aindrila Female star
2582 Girl Aindrita Invincible
2583 Boy Ainesh Sun's glory
2584 Girl Ainesh The sun's glory
2585 Girl Aingini Goddess durga
2586 Girl Aini Spring, flower, source, choice, the eye
2587 Girl Ainora Sun's glory
2588 Girl Ainslee My own meadow
2589 Boy Ainsley Hermitage wood
2590 Boy Ainslie Hermitage wood
2591 Boy Aintik Prosperous
2592 Boy Ainul Eyes
2593 Boy Aipal Add meaning
2594 Boy Aira Of the wind
2595 Girl Aira The beginning, the principle,the breathe of life
2596 Boy Airaawat The celestial white elephant of indra
2597 Boy Airaawat;airawat The celestial white elephant of indra
2598 Boy Airaawat;airawat;eirawat;erawat;irawat The celestial white elephant of indra
2599 Boy Airavata As fast as the wind
2600 Boy Airawat The celestial white elephant of indra
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