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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'An'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
451 Boy Advait Unique, lord ganpati
452 Girl Advaitha Add meaning
453 Girl Advithi One who cannot be compared with
454 Girl Adviti One who cannot be compared with
455 Boy Adwaid Means the old puran...like ramayana, bhagwad gita
456 Boy Adwait The one and only
457 Girl Adwiita The one and only
458 Boy Adwit The one and only
459 Boy Adyant Beginning and end
460 Boy Adyanta Beginning and end
461 Boy Adyota Surrounded by light, brilliant
462 Boy Aekadamt Lord ganesha
463 Girl Aeny Radha\'s husband
464 Girl Aesha Love, woman, life
465 Girl Afifah Chaste, pure, another name for hazrat fatimah zahr
466 Boy Afraz Standing tall like a mountain
467 Boy Agamik Add meaning
468 Girl Agar A stranger, one that fears.
469 Boy Agastaya Name of a wise man
470 Boy Agastya Name of a wise man
471 Girl Agathiyan Intelligent, brilliant
472 Boy Agavoli Intelligent, brilliant
473 Boy Agha Pre-eminent, master, owner, sinful, another name f
474 Girl Agila Globe, world, humankind
475 Girl Agilaa Globe, world, humankind
476 Boy Agilan Man who commands everything
477 Girl Agnello Angel
478 Boy Agnello Angel
479 Boy Agnello Angel
480 Boy Agnidhra Descendant of fire
481 Boy Agnija Born of fire, lord vishnu and kartikeya
482 Girl Agnijita Branch of fire
483 Boy Agniketu Fire bannered
484 Boy Agnira Intelligent, brilliant, successful person who stud
485 Boy Agniruha Fire tree, the indian redwood tree
486 Boy Agnisoma Fire and nectar conjoined
487 Boy Agnitejas With the energy and lustre of fire
488 Boy Agnivamin Add meaning
489 Boy Agrahar A plot of a land given to a brahman or a king
490 Girl Agrasen Great warrior of an arma
491 Boy Agreya Add meaning
492 Boy Agrim Advance, first, leader, captain
493 Boy Agrim;agrima Advance, leader, first
494 Girl Agrima Advance, first, leader, captain
495 Boy Agrima Advance
496 Boy Agrima Advance
497 Girl Agriya First and best
498 Boy Agur 'stranger, gathered together'
499 Boy Agya A fool who has no knowledge in standard scriptures
500 Boy Aham Important
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