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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'An'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
501 Boy Ahanpati Lord of the day, lord shivaand the sun
502 Boy Ahara Tormentor, a manu
503 Boy Aharhel Another host, the last sorrow, a brother's sheep
504 Boy Aharnish Day and night
505 Boy Aharpati Lord of the day, another name for sun and shiva
506 Boy Ahavaniym Add meaning
507 Boy Ahendra Add meaning
508 Boy Ahernisha Add meaning
509 Girl Ahi Heaven and earth conjoined
510 Boy Ahiezer Brother of assistance
511 Boy Ahihud Brother of vanity, or of darkness, or of joy, or o
512 Girl Ahika Earth and heaven,
513 Boy Ahika Of heaven and earth, the silk cotton tree
514 Boy Ahilan Knowledgeable, commanding
515 Boy Ahilan Knowledgeable, commanding, worldly, knowledgeable,
516 Girl Ahilya;ahalya Without any deformation, wife of gautam rishi, a w
517 Girl Ahilya;ahalya Without any deformation, wife of gautam rishi, a w
518 Boy Ahiman Brother of the right hand
519 Boy Ahir The devotee and god are one
520 Girl Ahiri Elegance/graceful
521 Boy Ahladith Add meaning
522 Girl Ahlam Witty, one who has pleasant dreams, imaginative, s
523 Girl Ahlam One who has pleasant dreams, imaginative
524 Boy Ahnaram Add meaning
525 Boy Ahobal Mighty, lord hanuman
526 Girl Ahrmshulla Add meaning
527 Girl Ahruthi Add meaning
528 Girl Ahwaintha Wanted
529 Boy Ahwanith Wanted
530 Boy Aiah Vulture, raven, an isle, alas, where is it?.
531 Boy Aidh Name of a reciter of the holy quran
532 Boy Aidil Add meaning
533 Girl Aiesha Woman, alive, she who lives, life, lively, perfect
534 Girl Aighar Religious, righteous woman
535 Boy Aikalavya Descendant of eka-lunga
536 Girl Aiksavaki Produced from sugar cane
537 Boy Aila Born of intellect, another name for pururavas
538 Girl Ailiyah A great one and it come signify god
539 Boy Ailiyah A great one and it come signify god
540 Boy Aiman Fearless, right hand side
541 Boy Aimmukan Add meaning
542 Girl Aina Lightning, beautiful eyed woman, the only one, pur
543 Boy Aindhadi Add meaning
544 Boy Aipal Add meaning
545 Boy Airaawat The celestial white elephant of indra
546 Boy Airaawat;airawat The celestial white elephant of indra
547 Boy Airaawat;airawat;eirawat;erawat;irawat The celestial white elephant of indra
548 Boy Airaawat;airawat;eirawat;erawat;irawat The celestial white elephant of indra
549 Girl Airawat The celestial white elephant
550 Boy Airawat The celestial white elephant of indra
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