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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'C'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
3051 Boy Blake Fair complexioned
3052 Boy Blake Fair complexioned
3053 Girl Blanch French white
3054 Boy Blythe Cheerful happy
3055 Girl Blythe Happy or cheerful
3056 Boy Bnidhish Lyrics of classical music
3057 Boy Boddhidharma Follower of buddhist doctrine
3058 Boy Bodhamaya Consisting of pure knowledge, wise
3059 Boy Bodhan Clever, wise, kindling
3060 Boy Bodhana Clever, wise, enlightening
3061 Boy Bodhendra Lord of intelligence
3062 Boy Bodhidharma All-pervading enlightened mind, enlightenment teac
3063 Girl Bolour Crystal
3064 Boy Bonaventure Latin good luck
3065 Girl Bonny French good
3066 Girl Bora Snow, excellent, brave, foreign, stranger, strange
3067 Boy Bradley Broad woodland clearing
3068 Boy Brady Large-chested
3069 Boy Brahita Cherished
3070 Boy Brahm Brahma, creator of the universe, supreme being
3071 Boy Brahma Creator of the universe, growth, evolution
3072 Boy Brahmabrata Ascetic
3073 Boy Brahmadutt Dedicated to lord brahma
3074 Boy Brahmadutt Dedicated to lord brahma, devoted to lord brahma
3075 Boy Brahmaji Creator of the universe, growth, evolution, simila
3076 Boy Brahman The preceptor
3077 Boy Brahmjeet Victory of god
3078 Boy Brahmpal Protected by the lord
3079 Boy Brahmsroop God-like appearance
3080 Boy Braidy Large-chested
3081 Boy Braj Place of lord krishna
3082 Boy Braj Place of lord krishna
3083 Boy Brajamani Brilliant jewel, beautiful, precious
3084 Boy Bramhaghosh Chanting of vedas
3085 Boy Bran Broom-covered hill
3086 Boy Branden Beacon valley
3087 Boy Brandon Beacon hill
3088 Boy Brandon Broom-covered hill
3089 Boy Brandon Broom covered hill
3090 Boy Brannon Broom-covered hill
3091 Girl Bratati Creeper
3092 Girl Bratati Creeper
3093 Girl Brati Engaged in religious ceremonies
3094 Boy Bratindra Dedicated to charity, devoted to right deeds
3095 Boy Bratya Discart
3096 Girl Breeze Light wind, carefree
3097 Boy Brendan Prince
3098 Boy Brenden Prince
3099 Boy Brendon Prince
3100 Boy Brennan Prince
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