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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Sur'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
51 Boy Anantdev Of immeasurable divinity
52 Girl Anisa Joy & pleasure
53 Girl Anisa Joy and pleasure, friendly, without night, loveabl
54 Boy Anitej Immeasurable
55 Boy Aniteja Immeasurable splendour
56 Boy Anshumaan Lord surya (sun)
57 Boy Anshuman Blessed with long life, the sun, lord surya (sun)
58 Boy Ansuman Lord surya (sun)
59 Boy Anurakta Surrendering himself with love and passion
60 Boy Anuttam Unsurpassed
61 Girl Anya Inexhaustible, gracious, graceful, resurrection, f
62 Girl Aparajita Insurmountable, unconquerable
63 Boy Aprajit Insurmountable, unconquerable
64 Girl Arpana Surrendered, offering
65 Girl Ascharya Surprise
66 Girl Ascharya Surprise
67 Boy Ashcharya Surprise
68 Girl Ashi Miracle or surprising
69 Boy Ashlin Son of pool surrounded by ash trees
70 Boy Ashly Son of pool surrounded by ash trees
71 Boy Ashminikumar Son of surya
72 Girl Asia Resurrection
73 Boy Asitabha With unrestrained glory, surrounded by light
74 Boy Atamnidhan Spiritual treasure
75 Boy Athiya Lord ganesh, to surpass
76 Girl Athulya Something valuable, unrivalled, immeasurable, uniq
77 Boy Atideva Surpasses the gods
78 Boy Atishi To surpass, to excel
79 Boy Atiya To surpass
80 Boy Atultejas Immeasurable brightness
81 Girl Ayukta Surya or sun
82 Boy Badaat Wonderful, surprising, outstripping in courage and
83 Boy Balhaar Surrounded by strength
84 Boy Balhaar Surrounded by strength
85 Boy Bansi Flute, baansuri
86 Boy Beantpal Foster of immeasurable
87 Boy Belshazzar Master of the treasure
88 Boy Belteshazzar Who lays up treasures in secret
89 Boy Bhaanu Lord surya
90 Boy Bhagatbhandar Treasure of loving devotion
91 Boy Bhageerath A king of suryavamsha who brought river ganga from
92 Boy Bhakosa Treasure of light, sun
93 Boy Bhanot Punjabi surname
94 Boy Bhasvan Radiant, another name for surya
95 Boy Bilas Pleasure
96 Boy Bishoy Surprise
97 Boy Bisman Meanssomething surprising
98 Boy Camon His resurrection
99 Boy Caspar The treasurer, the name of one of the three wise m
100 Boy Casper Treasure bearer
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