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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Sur'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
151 Boy Ganjan Surpassing
152 Boy Garth Lives beside an enclosure
153 Boy Gaspar The master of the treasure
154 Boy Gauge Measurer
155 Boy Gazabar A treasurer
156 Boy Govraja Dust that ensures from the feet of moving cows, su
157 Boy Gunanidhi Treasure of virtues
158 Boy Guntas Treasure of excellence
159 Boy Guntas Treasure of excellence
160 Boy Guntas Treasure of excellence
161 Boy Gurnidhan Treasure obtained from the guru
162 Boy Haha Exclamation of surprise, water, sky, blood, medita
163 Girl Halley Hall, enclosure
164 Boy Hamim 7 surah of the quran begin with the letters ha and
165 Boy Harishchandra King of surya dynasty, charitable
166 Boy Harith Lion, green colour, surya's horse, ploughman, cult
167 Girl Harnidh God's treasure
168 Girl Harnidh God's treasure
169 Girl Harnidh God's treasure
170 Boy Harry Ruler of an enclosure, form of harold, army-power,
171 Girl Harsha Happiness, golden, pleasure
172 Boy Harshad Happiness, one who gives pleasure
173 Boy Harshad Happy, one who gives pleasure
174 Boy Harshada Giver of joy or pleasure
175 Boy Harshavardhan One who gives pleasure
176 Boy Harshwardhan Conquered pleasure
177 Boy Harshwardhan Conquered pleasure
178 Boy Henry Ruler of the enclosure, estate ruler, house owner,
179 Boy Hirav Greenery, the lush greenery on the surface of the
180 Boy Hreeshi Pleasure
181 Boy Hrishi Pleasure
182 Boy Hrishi Pleasure
183 Boy Hyde Cache, measure of land equal to 120 acre
184 Boy Ilanko Surface of the earth
185 Boy Ilavarta Surrounding the earth
186 Boy Ina Lord surya
187 Boy Ishrat Pleasure, mirth, delight
188 Boy Jagadananda Plesure of the universe
189 Girl Jaladhi Treasure of water
190 Boy Jalnidh Treasure of water, the ocean
191 Boy Jaraah Surgeon
192 Girl Jashvi Credit , pleasure
193 Girl Jasper Treasure holder.
194 Boy Jasper Treasure bearer
195 Boy Jasper The treasurer, the name of a gemstone
196 Boy Jaysukh Pleasure of victory
197 Boy Jaysukh Pleasure of victory
198 Boy Jaysukh Pleasure of victory
199 Boy Jecamiah Resurrection, or revenge of the lord
200 Boy Jeemutbahan Pleasure of victory
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