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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Th'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
201 Boy Abbas The lord is my father
202 Girl Abbey Father of exaltation
203 Boy Abbie My father is light, father of joy
204 Girl Abbie Father of joy
205 Boy Abbot Father, priest
206 Boy Abbot Father
207 Boy Abbott Father
208 Girl Abbott Father
209 Boy Abbott Father
210 Girl Abbra The exalted one
211 Boy Abby Father, my father is light, father in rejoicing
212 Boy Abdalala Slave of the high
213 Boy Abdhisayana Sleeping on the ocean
214 Boy Abdul-adheem Servant of the most great
215 Boy Abdul-alim Servant of the omniscient
216 Boy Abdul-azeez Servant of the mighty, the powerful
217 Boy Abdul-azeez Servant of the mighty
218 Boy Abdul-azim Servant of the mighty
219 Boy Abdul-aziz Servant of the powerful one
220 Boy Abdul-baaqi Servant of the everlasting
221 Boy Abdul-dhahir Servant of the manifest
222 Boy Abdul-ghaffar-abdul Servant of the forgiver
223 Boy Abdul-haafiz Servant of the protector
224 Boy Abdul-hafeedh Servant of the preserver
225 Boy Abdul-hameed Servant of the praiseworthy, the ever-praised
226 Boy Abdul-jabaar Servant of the mighty
227 Boy Abdul-jaleel Servant of the great, revered
228 Boy Abdul-karim Servant of the noble, generous one
229 Boy Abdul-khaliq Servant of the creator
230 Boy Abdul-latif Servant of the kind one
231 Boy Abdul-majid Servant of the glorious one
232 Boy Abdul-malik Servant of the master (or king)
233 Boy Abdul-mueid Servant of the restorer
234 Boy Abdul-mutaalee Servant of the most exalted
235 Boy Abdul-nasir Servant of the helper, protector
236 Boy Abdul-qadir Servant of the capable, powerful
237 Boy Abdul-qahhar Servant of the subduer, the almighty
238 Boy Abdul-qaiyoum Servant of the self-sustaining
239 Boy Abdul-rafi Servant of the one who raises, elevates (intellect
240 Boy Abdul-rahim Servant of the most compassionate one
241 Boy Abdul-rahman Servant of the merciful one
242 Boy Abdul-rasheed Servant of the rightly guided
243 Boy Abdul-razaaq Servant of the maintainer, the provider
244 Boy Abdul-salaam Servant of the peace
245 Boy Abdul-waahid Servant of the one
246 Boy Abdul-waajid Servant of the finder
247 Boy Abdul-wadud Servant of the loving
248 Boy Abdul-wahid Servant of the one
249 Boy Abdullah Servant of allah, one who serves the god, servant
250 Boy Abdulwahid Servant of the unique one
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