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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Th'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
351 Boy Abijah The lord is my father
352 Girl Abijah Jehavah is my father
353 Boy Abijam Father of the sea
354 Boy Abilene The father of mourning
355 Boy Abimael A father sent from god
356 Boy Abimanyu The son of arjuna
357 Boy Abimelech Father of the king
358 Boy Abinadab Father of a vow, or of willingness
359 Boy Abinaya The royal guard
360 Girl Abinithi My father morality, justice
361 Boy Abinoam Father of beauty
362 Boy Abinoor My father light
363 Boy Abir Perfume, colour, thinker, traveller, strong, red p
364 Boy Abiram My father is great
365 Girl Abishag Ignorance of the father.
366 Boy Abishai The present of my father.
367 Girl Abishai The present of my father.
368 Girl Abishai My father is a gift
369 Boy Abishalom Father of peace
370 Girl Abishta Lady of the house
371 Boy Abishua Father of salvation
372 Boy Abishur Father of the wall, father of uprightness
373 Boy Abital The father of the dew, or of the shadow
374 Boy Abitub Father of goodness
375 Boy Abiud Father of praise
376 Boy Abizer Father of wealth
377 Boy Abjayoni Born of the lotus, another name for brahma
378 Boy Abnash That cannot be destroyed
379 Boy Abner Father of light
380 Boy Abner Father of light
381 Boy Abnor Father of or is light
382 Boy Abnur Father of or is light
383 Girl Aboil The name of a flower
384 Girl Aboil The name of a flower
385 Girl Aboil The name of a flower
386 Boy Abot Father
387 Boy Abott Father
388 Girl Abra Mother of many
389 Girl Abra Lesson, a kind of boat, example, father of a multi
390 Boy Abraham Faultless, father of a multitude and many nations
391 Boy Abraham Father of multitude
392 Boy Abrahem Father of many nations
393 Boy Abram High father
394 Boy Abran Father of a multitude
395 Girl Abrana My father is exalted
396 Boy Abrar A truthful person, saint
397 Boy Abrasha Father
398 Girl Abrianna Mother of many nations
399 Boy Absalom God the father of peace
400 Boy Absalom Father of peace, bible ref.:  2 samuel 3:3, son of
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