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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'One who'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1401 Boy Rhivu One who is begotten through a boon
1402 Girl Rigvedi One who possesses the knowledge of rig veda, knowl
1403 Girl Rigvedita One who possesses the knowledge of rig veda, knowl
1404 Boy Rikin One who knows rigved, one who knows hymns recited
1405 Boy Rishik Lord shiva, lord vishnu, one who is knowledgeable,
1406 Boy Rishika One who is knowledgeable
1407 Girl Risika Saintly, one who is knowledgeable
1408 Boy Risshit Saintly, one who is knowledgeable
1409 Girl Ritika Movement, pretty, cute, of brass, bronze, one who
1410 Boy Ritunjay One who conquers truth
1411 Girl Ritvika Priest, one who recites the rig veda
1412 Boy Ritwick One who know the vedas
1413 Boy Ronav One who embodies grace and charm, handsome
1414 Boy Ruchi Light, interest, one who gives happiness
1415 Boy Rudraksha One who has eyes like rudra
1416 Boy Rushadru One who eliminates anger, a king
1417 Boy Saajid One who worships god
1418 Boy Saajid One who worships god
1419 Boy Saarathi One who ride horses
1420 Boy Sabari One who lives in sabari hill
1421 Boy Sabaris One who lives in sabari hill
1422 Boy Sachsukh One who attains true peace
1423 Boy Sachsukh One who attains true peace
1424 Boy Sachsukh One who attains true peace
1425 Boy Sachsukh One who attains true peace
1426 Boy Sagarotharaka One who leapt across the ocean
1427 Boy Sagarotharaka One who leapt across the ocean
1428 Boy Sahasrajit One who vanquishes thousands
1429 Boy Sahel One who shows the way, beach, shore
1430 Girl Saidarshni Sai means saibaba darshni means one who sees
1431 Boy Saihajdhun One who hears the celestial music
1432 Boy Saindhav One who is born in the territory of the river sind
1433 Girl Saira One who travels
1434 Girl Sairah Beautiful, one who travels
1435 Boy Sajid Prostrator, adotar, one who worships god
1436 Boy Sajid One who worships god
1437 Boy Sajid One who worships god
1438 Boy Sajjad Worshipper of allah, one who does much prostration
1439 Girl Samadrita One who is well accepted or welcomed
1440 Boy Samaksh One who is near
1441 Girl Samanvi One who poses all best qualities
1442 Girl Samanvi One who poses all best qualities
1443 Boy Samanvi One who has all the best qualities
1444 Girl Samanvita One who poses all best qualities
1445 Girl Samanvitha One who poses all best qualities
1446 Girl Samarjit One who wins the war
1447 Boy Sameh The one who is forgiving, lord krishna, forgiver
1448 Boy Samidha One who dies for a good thing, fights for a good w
1449 Girl Samjaata The one who is developing
1450 Girl Sampavi One who has everything
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