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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'One who'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1551 Girl Shivin Name of lord shiva, the operator, one who maintain
1552 Girl Shooldharini One who holds a monodent
1553 Boy Shoolin One who has a trident
1554 Girl Shreyasi One who is most beautiful, lucky
1555 Boy Shubhan One who is auspicious
1556 Boy Shubhan One who is auspicious
1557 Girl Shubhangi Handsome, one who brings happiness
1558 Girl Shuchismita One who has a pure smile
1559 Boy Shuddhavigraha One who has a pure body
1560 Boy Shwehit One who is as pure as the white color
1561 Boy Shweta One who is as pure as the white color
1562 Boy Shwetambar One who wearswhite clothes
1563 Boy Shwetambar One who wearswhite clothes
1564 Girl Shyna One who feels shy
1565 Girl Sia Moving, help, light, glow, one who brings joy, coo
1566 Boy Siddarth Who seek enlightenment, man god, one who has accom
1567 Boy Siddarth One who has accomplished his goal
1568 Boy Siddhaartha One who has accomplished his goal
1569 Boy Siddharath One who has accomplished a goal
1570 Boy Siddharta One who has accomplished his aim
1571 Boy Siddharth One who is accomplished, buddha
1572 Boy Siddhartha One who seeks enlightment, a name of lord buddha
1573 Girl Siddhika One who attains
1574 Boy Sidharth One who has accomplished a goal
1575 Boy Sidhharth One who has accomplished a goal
1576 Girl Simar One who is absorbed in god
1577 Girl Simar One who is absorbed in god
1578 Boy Simar Light covering, a scarf, one who is absorbed in go
1579 Girl Simar One who is absorbed in god
1580 Boy Simarjeev One who lives with remembrance of god
1581 Boy Simarnaam One who remembers god
1582 Boy Simeon One who hears, bible ref.:  genesis 29:33-35, firs
1583 Boy Simms One who hears
1584 Boy Simon-simeon One who hears, bible ref.:  matthew 10:2, one of t
1585 Girl Simona One who hears
1586 Girl Simone One who hears
1587 Girl Simone One who hears
1588 Girl Simone Heard, god has heard, one who hears, listening int
1589 Boy Siraivaasan One who lives in the heart of sri lakshmi.
1590 Boy Smarajit One who has conquered lust
1591 Boy Smarajit One who has conquered lust
1592 Boy Somit Someone who has got everything
1593 Boy Somjit One who conquer the sun
1594 Girl Soujanya One who is free, tender
1595 Boy Soumik One who offers the sacred soma juice to the gods
1596 Boy Soumyajit One who won beauty
1597 Boy Sreejith The one who has conquered lakshmi (the goddess of
1598 Boy Srejit The one who has conquered lakshmi (the goddess of
1599 Girl Srinikhi One who is free from bondage
1600 Girl Srishtika One who created the world
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