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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'One who'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1451 Girl Samriddha One who has everything
1452 Girl Sanghamitra One who maintains friendship between different gro
1453 Boy Sankarsana One who ploughs
1454 Boy Sarabdharam One who always acts rightly
1455 Boy Sarabdheer One who is always patient
1456 Girl Sarableen One who pervades in all
1457 Boy Sarableen One who prevades in all
1458 Boy Sarableen One who prevades in all
1459 Girl Sarableen One who prevades in all
1460 Girl Sarableen One who prevades in all
1461 Boy Sarableen One who prevades in all
1462 Boy Sarableen One who prevades in all
1463 Boy Sarabnidhan One who has all treasures
1464 Boy Sarabpreet One who loves all
1465 Boy Sarabprem One who loves all
1466 Boy Sarbajit One who has conquered everything
1467 Boy Sarbajit One who has conquered everything
1468 Girl Sarina Princess, lady, form of sarah, one who laughs, ser
1469 Girl Sarjita The one who creates
1470 Girl Sarvamantramayi One who possess all the instruments of thought
1471 Girl Sarvashaastramayi One who is deft in all theories
1472 Girl Sarvavahanavahana One who rides all vehicles
1473 Boy Sasidhar One who crowns moon - lord shiva
1474 Girl Sasirekha One who brings good fortune for everyone
1475 Boy Sasta One who rules
1476 Boy Sasta One who rules
1477 Boy Satchidanand One whose at peace, one who is always happy soul
1478 Girl Sati One who got burned alive
1479 Girl Satkeerat One who praises the true one
1480 Girl Satkeerat One who praises the true one
1481 Boy Satkeerat One who praises the true one
1482 Boy Satkeerat One who praises the true one
1483 Girl Satkeerat One who praises the true one
1484 Boy Satpal The one who abides by the truth
1485 Boy Satpaul The one who abides by the truth
1486 Boy Satpaul The one who abides by the truth
1487 Girl Satta One who is above all
1488 Boy Satvichaar One who reflects on truth
1489 Boy Satyaaashrith One who takes refuge in truth
1490 Boy Satyadarshi One who can see the truth
1491 Boy Satyadarshi One who can see the truth
1492 Girl Satyaki One who is truthful
1493 Boy Satyavachana One who speaks only the truth
1494 Boy Satyavir Someone who gets victory with truth, truthful
1495 Boy Satyavrat One who has taken vow of truth
1496 Boy Satyavrat One who has taken vow of truth
1497 Boy Satyawan Truthful, one who speaks truth
1498 Boy Satyender One who follows truth
1499 Boy Satyender One who follows truth
1500 Girl Savini One who prepares soma, nectar giving, a river
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